I'm both the victim & personal investigator in a high-profile corruption case



 I felt a long biography about me was a suitable first post, so you can learn more about my life & my past. I get the feeling people are waiting for the moment my work finally becomes available to the public. I’ll add in some of my past notes that were of significance to you all. Just like 4 years ago, I never understood why I was a big deal. Sure, I have seemingly impressive skills & intelligence, but I’ve made so many mistakes, so many regrets in my life that I wish I could rewind. But then I wouldn’t be here talking to my favourite people & doing work that I’m willing to wake up to & live for. So is it worth regretting about it when I should be so happy with the gifts in front of me? I bet you guys can relate to all this. You know what, I just thought of a second post. I want to hear your stories too.


I am the personal investigator, budding author & victim of a high-profile corruption case that’s still in the making. As of the 26/5/24 however, I’ve dismissed the team I once thought I could trust. They’ve betrayed me & even their PMs by deceiving them. The sabotage was incredibly costly to their departments, the government & especially to the key witness. It would appear that they were none other than the suspects posing as investigators. For now, it hasn’t been confirmed yet which department they come from but for now, it’s a toss up between 2 law enforcement agencies. I was also a multi-award winning academic who has studied Psychology for 9 years at the elite Melbourne University in Australia. I was consistently at the top of the class since primary school onwards because my father had taught me Maths & English when I was 3 years old. I seemed to always be ahead of the class, even at university. In secondary school, I won a minimum of 6 awards annually from 1990-1996, totaling to at least 36 awards (including Excellence in Piano). That means I got awards for 5 out of 6 subjects each year. I sucked at Physics only because I didn’t put enough effort into it, compared to the other 5 subjects (plus piano). All certificates read “Excellence in Subject X”. I only stopped getting awards because I had to graduate.

   Of the 6 subjects I studied, were Italian & French, which I also excelled at because I already had a strong grasp on grammar for English, which forms the basis of all languages. I’ve even been exempt from studying English in university in 2004 I believe. A “friend” complained that he was Caucasian, so how come I was exempted but he wasn’t. I stopped talking to him soon after because that was quite racist. I dare him to face me & say it now.

   I currently speak 4 (not 5 anymore) languages. 3rd & 4th languages are English & Vietnamese. The 5th one was Latin but as we know, it’s a dead language. However, it’s still of great use for scholars who need to read ancient transcripts etc & is also heavily used by biologists to name species in Latin. I think they even used it in Final Fantasy, one of my utmost favourite game franchises.

   Grammar is one of my strongest aspects in English & other languages. I can see patterns that help me to learn a new language. Once you recognise its grammatical patterns, you can proceed to memorising words & putting sentences together in that language. Sorry to say this, but I think getting people to repeat sentences in another language from a tape or an app is a bogus or ill start to learning languages. That’s not the formal way to teaching them. If I was taught that way, I wouldn’t know anything except be good at repeating certain phrases. However, those audio lessons are useful in teaching pronunciations.

   Unfortunately, my successes seemed to always go hand-in-hand with terrible luck, as demonstrated in this short biography. Like my beauty, my talents were both a wonderful gift & a terrible curse. What jealous women & sexual harassers did to me should be a sufficient explanation. I’ve dealt with jealousy from both sexes all my life regarding both my beauty & my successes in academics. The common complaint was that it’s not fair that one person has it all: the beauty, the charisma, the attractive charming personality, the awards, career opportunities, some of the hottest the men who loved me & a wealthy parent.

   I clearly remember the one accusing my father of getting the awards for me. I was sitting right across from him & it took alot of self-control for me to stay seated & not punch him out or even say something nasty back. How I felt inside, was like my knuckles turning white from clenching my fists. How petty can people be? And he’s a man?! This is the kind of inappropriate remarks I heard from the staff at DHHS too, Child Protection CP to be exact. All of it was uncalled for.

   And this person was supposed to be a professional & I was supposed to be in his care, can you believe it? He was an accomplice to the corruption at one stage & therefore a suspect anyway. Makes you wonder if he tampered with my urines. Someone definitely did it. My focus is currently on someone else though. He’s still a suspect nevertheless because he was already a suspect for the previous lot of tamperings.

   You know, while I studied hard to get those awards, my father was too busy with his business meetings, he missed most of my annual ceremonies where I was given the certificate awards & prizes that went with it. Only my mother was the only one who went every year to support me. I resented my father for that because I earned everything to please him & he acted like he didn’t care.  

  When I was a toddler, he cared more but now, money meant more to him than even his daughter’s academic successes. He simply expected me to do well. That’s it. It’s like he took it for granted. Should he be surprised his daughter turned to drugs? It was the only thing that got his attention.

   I regretfully met my first proper ex at the end of 1996, who led me down a path of drug addiction, dealing & the underworld, which led to much destruction to my life. After a 20-yr drug addiction, I’ve finally cleaned up my act for my beautiful little girl in 2017 & have only relapsed 2-3 times, 2 of which were just a “once-off”. The first 2 relapses were direct consequences of the stalking & misconduct. Only 1 was on a whim. I think that says a lot.

   Once I decided to return to a tafe university to see if I was capable of handling schoolwork, I struggled to focus on the first day. But once I got my first A for Maths in the first or 2nd week of returning to university, it gave me the confidence to keep going. I consistently ended up on the weekly honour roll for Maths, Chemistry & Physics, always straddling the first position. The one in 2nd place was 20% below me in grade. I honestly can’t remember if there was an honor roll for Biology at all. I earned High Distinctions for all 4 subjects & knew I was ready to enroll in Melbourne University soon. I did it all whilst juggling an addiction, so I don’t want to hear people say it can’t be done. If I can do it, so can you.

   However, tragedy struck & I was diagnosed with a disease that was incurable at the time. I even contemplated suicide but didn’t follow through. All that pain was for nothing because there was a cure made 15 years later. God bless our government for doing something about it. That “slump” was the closest to resembling what I went through during my lowest point between 2022-2024, after the hospital. I had to pretend to keep smiling & that I’m ok, just so I could escape them.   

  Although I had fully recovered from the first slump, I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from this one because my wounds are so deep. The blow was much more devastating due to being exposed to these crimes for 7 years with little assistance & the fact that these people enjoyed destroying my life. It was easily preventable too. Too late now. The damage has been done over & over. I don’t know how sadistic some people can be.

   Currently, there are times when I feel like my usual self, strong & confident, but it switches off too easily & I drift back into depression, even though I’m already on antidepressants. This is not a good sign.The antidepressants are supposed to keep my mood stable, along with my other medication. It’s never happened before & not to this degree. I just hope I haven’t been poisoned again but in a different way. It doesn’t feel like I’m being poisoned, but of course I’m paranoid about it happening again.

   Then again, other people needed to tell me that I was behaving erratically, to realise I was indeed poisoned. My case workers tried to blame it on me forgetting to take my antidepressants, but this time there are no excuses. I’ve been taking them every day for months. I’m almost certainly suffering from PTSD & perhaps these are mood swings, so I’m emotionally unstable. It was a direct consequence of the corruption, betrayals & mistreatment. I dare them to say otherwise during the lawsuit.

   My future & academic performance suffered most significantly when I met my abusive ex (who set me up with Child Protection in 2017) & the multiple police raids that kept occurring over a 5-yr period. One of the detectives intentionally got me kicked out of university because he wanted to disempower a woman who he felt was out of his league. New information emerged during my investigation in 2021 that indicated that the 2 detectives were not only involved in the corruption, they may have been using the raids to sexually harass me. 

   Regardless of what their argument is, the damage done says it all. The raids alone were very disruptive enough to cause me to fail my degree anyway. There was no need to call up my university & pretend to enquire as a cop. A good cop should’ve foreseen that. I was remanded that often, I couldn’t submit any assignments & attend exams. I ended up getting either Fails, barely a pass, or Unsatisfactory Progress. How can they possibly deny that they had nothing to do with destroying my future when there was another attempt to get me kicked out for good in 2019?It was to threaten me in staying quiet about the misconduct.

   Although I’ve always known that I was intelligent, I didn’t know that in 2018, I’d be assessed as having social intelligence in the top 2.5%. On my diagnosis, my psychologist writes it as “significant”. Having studied Psychology, significant equates the top or lowest 2.5%. Judging by the inappropriate comments made by even my psychologist, even he was jealous he wasn’t the one. It’s pretty easy to realise that it meant that I was in the top 2.5%. I guess that’s why my intelligence appeared superhuman to others, especially to kids & young adults. But my fanbase consisted of all ages in the past. Some kids mistakenly thought everyone my age had the same intelligence. Would you believe that my first group of admirers/supporters were world leaders? They were from various countries, especially Australia, America & Mexico. Japan loved me too because I admired them.

   My meteoric rise to superstardom began in around 2020, when I started to notice strangers repeating my lines & quotes from diary entries. I had many catchphrases that even the celebrities loved & repeated. Elon Musk, someone I befriended too, loved my motto “Me number 1, you number 100”.He began using it (or variations of it) in his posts to taunt his enemies lol! I’m pretty sure it was against Amazon’s CEO. For now, I can’t remember his name. 

Combined with my wide range of skills & larger-than-life personality, the concept of superheroes became particularly important to the public because right before their eyes, was a person who closely resembled a real-life superhero. My intentions were noble. I was determined to end the corruption & this tyranny.  

   Hollywood was impressed with me, so 2 big-shots (George Lucas & Steven Spielberg) was seriously considering me to be the next Hollywood legend. They told me to go workout to lose weight, waah!Orright, orright I know I need to slim down & get my muscles back again. I used to have a 4-pack. George Lucas stayed with me till the end & I consider him a “true friend”. He was one of my cheerleaders. But I had already begun to feel the effects of the poison, I was losing myself & I didn’t know how much time I had left. I asked them both to forgive me & basically implied I couldn’t accept their generous offer. But I’ll always remember it & be grateful for such a grand opportunity.

   Yet another point of fascination for admirers was that whatever job was thrown in front of me, I turned out to be good at it. I surprised even myself. People would be forgiven for mistakening me for a lawyer, a spy, a trained Intelligence agent, an undercover police officer, an interrogator & just about every other job I’ve taken on. Even the authorities asked me if I was a Russian spy! Many people claim I look Eurasian or racially ambiguous. I guess that’s why they mistakened me for being Russian.

   I’m surprised at discovering how many skills I didn’t know I was good at or already possessed, like when I was forced to become my own lawyer because my Child Protection case workers allegedly told people to not represent me. Or they believed the garbage that they wrote in reports & felt that they couldn’t win the case. A minimum of 5 lawyers in a row declined to represent me.

   I also unwittingly became the muse for many songs (some of their greatest hits in fact), YouTube videos & comments, good & bad. A mini-documentary was made about the similarities between me & the original protocol for Superman! He was meant to be someone with superhuman intelligence. My name was never mentioned, but it was clear who they were referring to. George Lucas was being interviewed in it, amongst an array of some of the most recognisable stars like Jerry Seinfeld, Mark Hamill, Brandon Routh (he played Superman in Superman Returns) & Ozzy Osbourne. It wouldn’t surprise me if George directed & produced this mini tribute/documentary. I haven’t seen it for about 3 years, but I still remember everyone who was in it. It was one of my most cherished memories.

   Fans travelled to the supermarket I attended in hoping to get an autograph, or watch me in action. They wanted to be like me. My evidence was sufficient proof of the hard work I put into my investigation. I also befriended many Hollywood heavyweights, including those who I consider “true friends”.

  A-lister Denzel Washington wondered what are the chances of coming across a victim who had the right skills & attitude to take on 2 corrupted departments single-handedly & succeed. Along with other A-listers, he was there to guide me the whole time until I stopped the investigation. There’s not much that can get past the guy. He knew that my enemies had done something evil to me & condemned them in a post I’ll proudly show in my book, with his permission. I believe his intelligence is level with mine.

   In response to his question, I think I was destined to be their final victim, or at least the one who’d force the suspects to pay for their crimes. I knew I had all the skills, knowledge & personality to beat my enemies at their own games. I had identified all their weaknesses from the start & knew they could be beaten. The world had never seen anyone who singlehandedly dealt with 2 corrupted departments & succeed, much less a victim.

   Sure, there are stories of once-off incidents dealing with dangerous criminals & I applaud them for helping bring those monsters to justice. It takes a special kind of balls to do that. Sorry I couldn’t help throwing my typical humour in to make them (well, everyone) laugh, even though this biography was supposed to be serious.

   Anyway, there was never a true story where the traumatized victim turned out to have all the skills they needed to take on the bad guys, investigate them, outsmart them, botch up their plans, beat the odds & win over & over again, frustrating her enemies as they became increasingly desperate to gain the upper hand against her. And keep at it for 5 of the 7 years. The other 2 was dedicated to recovering from the trauma.

   My story was the stuff of Hollywood movies. It wasn’t just what I did, but how I did it. My audience were definitely cheering for me. Only racists & jealous people were on their side. I showed my enemies no fear. In place of it, was sheer disgust & anger that they were dressed as trustworthy people, but were anything but. They were living a lie & they cowardly targeted the vulnerable & the defenceless.

   No one would help me, so I had no choice but to personally investigate them myself if I wanted the corruption to stop. I also needed to know exactly what they were doing, so I could pass on the intelligence to someone I could trust. When people first compared me to something, it wasn’t real people. They were comparing me to movie & game characters! My favourite comparisons were Maximus (Russell Crowe in The Gladiator), Michael Corleone (Al Pacino in The Godfather 2) & Solid Snake (game). Coincidentally, I’m born in the year of the snake.

   I recall a fan wrote a fan article boasting that not even 1000 bad guys could defeat his hero & the only person who even comes close to that description at the height of my popularity, was me. Currently, I’ve taken on between 100-200 people. If it was dedicated to me, thank-you for it. I’ll always keep it in my memories.

  Another thing that fascinated people was that I never received formal training for any of this, all my skills were self-taught. From my past career as a drug dealer , I already had 20 yrs experience with identifying undercovers with high accuracy. My skills were that good, I could spot an undercover in the midst of a crowd. In order to stay safe from both robbers & the police, I taught myself how to counter surveillance too.

   As I said, I chose to deal with the suspects because I knew I had all the right skills & intelligence to defeat my enemies & end the corruption that I could tell the police knew about but wanted nothing to do with helping me. Once you read my book, you’ll understand exactly what happened during the times I tried to get help from the police (SP). They’re sure to get an earful from their peers. 

   Most of them were utterly useless to the investigation & actually enabled these crimes to continue because they knew their colleagues were involved.So gentlemen, don’t give me that crap about me not giving enough information. I don’t care which side said it.

   Anyway, I just didn’t know how useful my skills would be later on. Turns out they were so impressive, not only did I get many suspects arrested or formally investigated, I heard kings from other countries were considering me as their head of security. I call it a rumour, but I obviously had good reason to believe what I heard because it reflected exactly what was going on.

   That was until I was that poisoned, I became a shadow of myself & was going temporarily insane from it. They criticized that although I was very thorough, it was too costly to maintain such security. I began photographing anyone with tattoos without putting much thought in it & I think that’s what they meant by it being too costly. Of course it’s too costly to check up on everyone I photographed. The investigators relied on me to be accurate & I understood that but now I couldn’t perform at the same level.

   Look at the odds cruelly placed against me after each success. The poisonings was such a cheap shot behind my back. They have no true skills & intelligence to beat me. They think I’m a worthy opponent, but they’ll never worthy of being mine. I’ve never seen such evil, but such cowardice too. Usually, I can single out an undercover in the midst of a crowd with high accuracy, but the poison was affecting my performance significantly. I was too drugged to do anything properly & efficiently. Even so, I never applied for such a job. But I appreciate the consideration regardless.

   All these grand jobs thrown my way without me asking for it, while my enemies & those involved in the investigation allegedly slaved away, would drive their black hearts sick with jealousy. It wouldn’t surprise me if they intentionally kept me drugged to destroy my job opportunities. Regardless, I doubt I’ll ever forgive them for making me lose the man I loved too, feeding him false information while laughing off my claims, making me appear crazy. Which man would want to marry a crazy person? I wouldn’t either! Look what my crazy ex put me through!

   My biggest problem wasn’t how to defeat my enemies & botch up all their operations, it was actually trying to find someone I could trust to do the right thing & see to it that all the participants, especially the main ones face the justice they’re supposed to get. I was reluctantly pushed into the spotlight & my work made me become a symbol of hope for so many.

   Mexico admired my strong personality & that I declared to my enemies that I was incorruptible. The mastermind was afraid of me because I wasn’t like everyone else who he could bribe & get his way. For the first time, he had nothing to offer me that could get him off the hook.So not only did I become DHHS’s number 1 enemy, I also became their most feared. I’ll proudly add that to my long list of accolades, thank-you gentlemen.

   Mexico witnessed this & in turn, they declared in news articles that they were cleaning up Mexico & they wanted to be incorruptible too. I was so darn proud of them for making such a brave initiative. Coincidentally, their first targeted was the corrupt Attorney General who I honestly thought looked like an old gangster in a movie. I cheered for the way they ambushed the guy, but I haven’t heard from them since about it. I really hope he didn’t talk his way out. I feel like I’m to blame if they gave up hope when I fell. Perseverance is key to your success, just as consistency is. Denzel taught me about the consistency one but I was too poisoned to respond intelligently to his teachings. So sorry Denzel.

   Alas, my meteoric fall came crashing down because I was being poisoned & due to the ridiculous time I was drugged for, it was a no wonder it drove me insane. I’ll never forgive those who were involved, including my pharmacist, the one who accepted the bribe & poisoned me. I hope the ones who refused to help me face charges too & that the masterminds from the police & DHHS face life in prison.

   The drugs are believed to be a mixture of sodium pentathol & cannabis. The symptoms that I had reported but were repeatedly ignored, were consistent with the symptoms reported by other victims. I also wrote an entire entry that clearly explained why, but everything I said fell on deaf ears.

   I find it amusing that they’d turn around & claim I didn’t provide enough details. No, they just didn’t believe me. Throwing me in a hospital & telling the man I loved that there was nothing wrong with me when there was, will suffice, thereby changing how he felt about me because he thought I was crazy. Over 2000 entries depicting the corruption & crimes being committed against me in real-life & still, no action.

   Instead, all I saw was people desperately trying to cover their tracks, mocking me & denying me my most fundamental rights. I didn’t find this out until 2024, 2 yrs after they stopped poisoning me because I quitted the ill-fated investigation. The investigators were bullying & disrespecting me & denying me assistance. I also knew quitting was the only way they’d stop poisoning me. I was right. 

   With over 200 suspects (half of which have been identified), they resorted to the dirtiest & most ruthless methods in lame attempts to beat me but couldn’t. I kept beating the odds, outsmarting them & botching up their operations & evil plans. While they had the best equipments at their disposal, I only had my range of skills, intellect & a phone to use against them. I’m very grateful that the gods are on my side. Despite the odds, they still resorted to “cheating” by keeping me poisoned for 4 years since 2019. Upon disabling me, they declared that they were more superior! I’m honestly embarrassed for them. It’s so pathetic!

   This is the true story of a somewhat reluctant hero versus some of the most detestable & despicable villains. Reluctant moreso because I’m now so traumatized & depressed, I can’t work at the same level as I used to. I must now muster up my strength & courage to fully recover & face my greatest fear: having to relive every moment of their crimes to provide all the details of my ordeal from start to finish. Somehow, my entire investigation was a walk in the park to this, even though it’s not the most dangerous! I don’t get it.

I guess it might have something to do with gathering so much mental & physical strength to face the one thing I dread the most. People probably don’t realise how valuable & significant mental strength is. Those who do martial arts, drug addicts when quitting & athletes will know what I’m talking about. The strongest people aren’t just Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali & the top athletes, it’s also the mentally strong too. And it’s these people I admire most. I can tell Tom Cruise, one of my greatest influences has it. He too faced a slump when Paramount Pictures fired him, apparently because Mission Impossible 3 didn’t do as well as expected (I saw nothing wrong) & blamed it on the couch incident. What the hell was the big deal? So one of our favourite actors was happy in love. What was so wrong about it? I’m baffled by what becomes a scandal. Poor Janet Jackson also lost nearly everything over a wardrobe malfunction that was hardly her fault! When I expressed disapproval regarding what happened to her, fans quickly got an apology from Justin Timberlake & Janet actually thanked me via the internet. I wanted to see how gorgeous she still is, but she was wearing a mask when she thanked me. If I didn’t say it back then, my fans deserve the credit for making it happen. It’s like some jealous psychos in the media were just waiting to hear these superstars down because they were the type who could last almost forever in their fields. But thankfully, Tom Cruise has the same personality as mine & refused to accept defeat. Through much hard work & determination, he gradually found his way back into the movies after things died down. I’m sure he’s happy & proud that his efforts finally paid off. And he defied conventions by still doing incredibly well at his age (I think he’s around 60 now), not to mention defied ageing itself! He’s the epitome of a silver fox, along with Brad Pitt. Hope you guys are friends now. I haven’t been keeping up with Hollywood gossip because of my problems. I hope he can see why I couldn’t just let it go like he told me to. Honestly, would he have if he worked this hard to end the corruption? I think I know the answer. He’s not one to give up & neither am I.

The same happened to me but their jealousy was evident from the start. And no, this time I’m not talking about jealous crooked cops & government employees. Some YouTubers were mocking me for hogging all the attention during my rise to fame & accused me of loving attention. When I enquired about their behaviour, I was informed by the investigators that there was a media war on. Apparently, everyone was tuning in to watch me take on my enemies & they were losing views. Ah well, it’s now pretty obvious who really craved that attention. Of course they were the first to eagerly pull me down when I was poisoned & was behaving erratically. I don’t want to sound like a granny saying this, but yeah you should be ashamed of yourself. Next time, speak truthfully about me. Don’t make up stuff you’re guilty of & project it onto me. I don’t know you. Let’s keep it that way. You’re not my type of friend anyway. I’m sorry, but you are not worthy to be my friend. I want to live amongst the giants & lead my people (fans) to a better future, not deal with the petty little people. Anyone can be a giant but you have to prove it. The worst videos came from a jealous woman in her 20s if memory serves me. Contrary to her defamatory videos which I could sue her for, I never asked for any attention or even lapped up the love people showered upon me, which she clearly exaggerated & fabricated anyway to make it seem like a bad thing. I appreciated the love & I consider my fans my family but I neither expected it nor asked for it. It’s just lucky I have bigger fish to fry in my kitchen of lawsuits. Now I need to concoct a timeline, which will be my greatest work along with my book, as well as fully recover or at least muster enough strength to take it on, so yeah I’ve been busy. This wouldn’t be as much an issue if I wasn’t so heavily traumatized. Because of what happened, I may never get justice for the poisonings. God I want to kill someone but I can’t do that. If I win both the trial & the lawsuit, they will become my greatest & most proudest victories. But that’s the way it is I guess. Even when the celebrity doesn’t want the attention, fans & supporters will flock to them anyway if they love their work. They even waited 2 long years to hear from me. Holy cow, you guys are incredible! For this, I thank them for their loyalty. I didn’t ask for it, but I appreciate it nevertheless. Everything they do for me becomes saved & filed in my good memories. And mentioned in my biography too! I love you fans & supporters! You are my family. I told you I’d come back for you guys! Now I’ve finally kept my promise. You probably thought I wouldn’t.

The details & crimes mentioned in this website has never been revealed to the public until now, if I ever release to the public my old notes, which helps recreate how I went about the investigation. After all, there are over 2000 entries! Even I don’t know how the case will end, although both my mother & I have separately predicted that the trial & lawsuits will be a trainwreck for both the suspects & the crooked or incompetent officers involved in the investigation. The investigation on their part was a catastrophe because they intentionally ignored all my requests, denied me assistance & subsequently destroyed/tampered with the evidence related to the privileged information I provided to them, or they gained through their position as an investigator. Oh my god, that bastard supervisor was in the perfect position to destroy everything. People just willingly handed it over to him. This supervisor is believed to be the prime suspect for organising a crime that occurred in 2021. I will not go back on what I said. I saw what he looked like & unfortunately, I saw him again & he didn’t realise I’d identify him as a suspect.

Although I have many regrets about my drug use, it’s almost like I was destined to be a drug dealer to gain all the skills I needed to counter & investigate the suspects & most importantly, survive. Such preparations were crucial to both my successes & my survival. After all, I was up against 100-200 people. No one’s come close to what I’ve achieved over a 7-yr period. My academic successes, the champion mindset, the skills in counterintelligence & counter surveillance, the 9 years study in Psychology, being an avid reader of true crimes, especially serial killers & psychopaths… All these things seem like they helped me prepare for this investigation & to beat my enemies at their own games. Perhaps there was a reason the gods were on my side. They needed someone like me to end this evil tyranny that apparently has gripped East Australia, from Qld, NSW & Victoria. If not this, I’m still ending something very significant. Oh my god, I can’t do it alone though. Like I said, I need someone with the same mindset to arrest these people & take me seriously.

Some of the greatest leaders in history like my idols Julius Caesar & Napoleon have beaten the odds like me & the likes of Tom Cruise & James Cameron. If I were to reveal my collection of people I admire most, including game characters, you’ll see that each one aren’t necessarily the most physically strongest, but they have the strongest mental strengths, the strongest qualities & the strongest personalities. People I aspire to be like. I’ll probably be here till Christmas naming them though – not because the list is long, but I take careful consideration who they are. I consider them to be some of the real elites in history, including the living. No, not the ones who brag that they are, just because they have money but are corrupt & brag about brainwashing everyone through the media.

This list of elites would also be based on the kind of person they were/are & how they lived their life. Although some people may complain about Tom Cruise’s ties with his religion, he’s still in this list because it’s his own accomplishments I’m interested in. He has overcome many obstacles & has managed to stay at the top as one of the highest paid & most successful actors in history. And one of the most handsome too. He may be considered difficult & imposing to many, but the same can be said about me except maybe I’m nicer lol! James Cameron was allegedly an asshole at times too.

What do us 3 have in common? We’re perfectionists, highly ambitious high achievers & are under much pressure to perform at the same top level people love us for. It’s one thing to reach the top, but it’s alot harder to stay there. If the going gets tough, we might spit the dummy at times at the person who’s pissing us off. I play nice & courteous, but if you diss me, you get the punching bag treatment. I’m no diva though. Just play by the rules & you won’t get burnt, which is be nice to me & don’t disrespect me. I’m at a point where I’m no longer tolerating it. I’m done with such people. I don’t think I’m asking too much, considering what he’ll I’ve been through.

I wonder about Denzel… Nah, his reputation as a noble man precedes him, so he’s in a special breed of elites, along with the ones I’ve mentioned below. I’m half-kidding seriously, they’re all under much pressure to perform too. Well I’m right too though, which is typical of my half-jokes. I guess it’s how you handle it too, just as much as whether you pull through. The thing with us is that we’re determined to pull through & succeed, no matter the odds. In my case, no matter how long it takes. I guess the suspects felt I could dedicate a lot of time to them. I guess they were right after the number of times they’ve pissed me off. Be careful what you wish for.

Denzel Washington & my “true friends” who cheered for me during the best & worst times of my life & also offered the opportunity of a lifetime because they believed in me… They’re in the list too. Believing in me is the greatest gift anyone could give me. It’s not just bias, they truly are some of the greatest in their field. Just remember, only the elites of Hollywood came to support me, no less. I was wondering why, but if I have to be really honest with myself, I guess it takes one to know one. They saw in me what they already are. I was barely hatching. Of course they’d qualify for the list. The list will be made known in my book & in this website. After all, they helped create the person I am & they are indeed elites. I wonder if I should reveal their names. You’d be gobsmacked to find out who they are. They’re some of the most powerful & most well-known elites of Hollywood. Perhaps I will soon. I was supposed to ask permission first. Thinking of it now, I’m almost too scared to ask them! I’m still human after all. These are the guys I looked up to for years.

One day, I’ll dedicate a page to some of my greatest influences, including them. I’ll need to read their biography first to know more about them. Of course I’m no stranger to their work. What can I say? They’re at the top & have kept their crowns for decades. Some of them I know for sure have won Oscars or academy awards for their greatest creations. I’ve been so occupied with the suspects & dealing with my recovery, I haven’t really had that chance to yet. My god, I think I forgot to write that letter to them years ago because of the poisoning. I just remembered now. So much to do in so little time. So many asses to kick too later. I almost forgot about my favourite composer Hans Zimmer who apparently gifted me an album dedicated to me. OMG, he must’ve been chuckling about the Zimmerman spelling, which is a brand of pianos. Close but no cigar I guess. I changed it once I saw his name. How kind of embarassing… Again too. I must look like a total goose! At least I hope I made him laugh again without trying to! The number of people who helped him compile the album… I’m at a loss for words for the generosity. I still remember some of the titles like Progeny, She never sleeps, TV or Television (remember the stuff the crooks sent through my tv? That’s what he’s referring to). I recall there were some beautiful Arabic(?) music halfway through the album. The album itself was heavily influenced by the The Gladiator because everyone was calling me Maximus. I need to thank them all in person with a grand banquet, so I must succeed to afford it. I need to keep reminding me of them during my weakest moments bc I need to keep that promise & do the timeline, while keeping my readers entertained. I rarely discuss anything outside of work but when I did, I didn’t realise it was the next talk of the town. Well I mean the internet. Lastly, I hope to join that special list of elites myself. It would be my greatest honour in death.

And this my friends, is where I end my epic biography. I’m so honoured to have met some of the greatest people in history & have them mentor me during the disastrous investigation. I’m so grateful they never left me alone to deal with these monsters. Wow, I’ve been trying away non-stop & created 2 notes since 7.30 pm yesterday. It’s now 12.51 pm the next day on the 20/5/24. I’ll now publish it for public viewing. Hope you guys weren’t the draft & then no one reads the published version, which hopefully is the 2nd-last draft. I need to edit one more just to separate the long paragraphs into shorter paragraphs for easier reading. The things I do for you guys lol! The next note releasing my anger about putting up with more blame-game is supposed to be informal & may be not as fluid as this biography, which is the one I worked on most. Enjoy reading my unbelievable biography! I must now head into Dreamland…

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