I'm both the victim & personal investigator in a high-profile corruption case


I think this content creator may’ve shown this episode in response to my notes. The outrage poured in against the 911 dispatcher who refused to help people in such a dire situation. But while she was just a character, the suspects were real. For some reason, they thought it wasn’t a crime. Or they thought someone powerful would protect them. Considering my connections with Hollywood in the past, it wouldn’t surprise me if this episode was a response to my situation. It perfectly summarises my ordeal for 7 years. Maybe people can now understand the trauma I sustained because of people like that dispatcher. I’m repulsed by the suspects’ gaslightings that I should just forgive & not cause drama. How convenient for them. What spineless people. I just want to thank both the uploader & the writer, director & producer for shedding light on my problem. I just hope it’s unheard of elsewhere.

(29/5/24, 12.10 pm) There are channels or individual videos & shorts that are either:

1) Being personally selected by the suspects to taunt, threaten & mock me on their behalf. I’m thinking they’re such cowards, they can’t say it to my face. The suspects are that spineless, they do most of this behind my back. After 7 years of communications from them, I’ve come to instantly recognise their use of language, the way they use it & words they use. I know their psychological profile like the back of my hand. Of course when I’m unsure of a message, I use logic & its relevance to decide if the message is from them & therefore is evidence. I’ve lost count the number of times they spilt their guts, immediately regretted sending it & tried to abuse Google service, Bluetooth technology & even their position of power to retrieve the incriminating message. The most prominent example was the “Jacs vs. Loser” message. There was no mistaking it. I was jumping for joy because it was a breakthrough & I finally had definitive proof that the police were indeed the suspects, the masterminds not the gang members. I was thrown in a mental hospital because they didn’t believe me. With everything that they’ve done to me, it’s impossible to talk your way out of everything. Within 3 days, the suspects got their Google accomplice to make a short video warning people “to not believe someone when they say they have a breakthrough”. Yet 3 undercovers stalked me at Highpoint Shopping Centre to retrieve that piece of evidence. They realised that it was the turning point that proved their involvement. I then questioned this Google person why they were so heavily invested in my case when it supposedly had nothing to do with them. Turns out it’s an accomplice (I told you!) who’s obviously allowing those investigators to basically keep me a virtual hostage on my own phone, such that they were intercepting all my complaints & calls to 911 or other police services.

2) Responding/reacting to my notes. Of course the response is always relevant to a recent note. I can’t be 100% certain which note because I’ve been working on my drafts, which haven’t been published but I’m also well aware that many people are reading the drafts as I write it. Anyway, I’ve noticed that some channels seeking to preach people (which is odd, considering the channel in question) are seemingly creating content in response to what I’m saying. Of course, I don’t mind if say Stephanie Lange did it to agree & emulate on a subject I spoke of (she’s another favourite YouTuber of mine). It’s positive & it’s not problematic in the sense that it’s offensive, disagreeable, or defamatory. From time to time, I come across YouTubers who can’t stop talking about me or even bullying me (from a safe distance of course) until I finally slam them down, or they get told off by supporters. I haven’t heard from anyone in a while, until recently. The past 3 posts of theirs in a row seems to be a response to something I said. Considering their name, I don’t know why they’re even preaching. I don’t know these people & I thought I had come to a truce with them last time I mentioned them discussing trauma in a more positive way. But this 3rd post, I feel like they’re gaslighting me or making defamatory remarks about overthinking things. I’m a writer who’s writing about my thoughts & experience on a scandal & the cruelty I met at the hands of people whose jobs were to help me. I’m allowed to contemplate, reminisce & think deeply about why something happened. I haven’t mentioned a word about them, so I’m wondering why they seem to be heavily invested in what I say & do. They way they say it, it feels confrontational & accusative, even though it’s clear what had happened & I don’t know why this person thinks they can tell me what to do & what to think. Unless of course, they’re none other than the suspects I dismissed recently. And why is it that my opponents can’t seem to get one thing right about me? Or their accusations are rude & undeserving. I’ve now “blocked” their posts, which is what I’ll do from now on. The next harassment will definitely be blocked & may be reported. Don’t some people have better things to discuss, than to create content in response to whatever I say because my posts are always original & unscraped – a new blogging word I learnt about taking content from other people’s posts & rewriting it. Thus it’s not original, unwritten before, or new. My question to these content creators is why they’re so invested in my life when I don’t know them? In the past, I had something who was that obsessed with thoughts about me, that every upload contained an insult about me. They were disgruntled that I didn’t approve of them. These days however, they’ve hopefully realised the error of their ways & has been showing support in the last few uploads I saw. People won’t know who I’m talking about, but they do. So for these content creators, I’d like them to stop reacting to my content as though I’m talking about them & then gaslight me. I think the person who’s overthinking is them. We don’t know each other, let’s keep it that way & stop before I sue them for defamation. I’m no longer doing the investigation, so now I have more time. No one helped me during a time when I needed their help most. Don’t make me “overthink” about them. Just stop what you’re doing, stop responding or reacting & do other content. I don’t want to bring this up again, now that I’ve finally said what I need to.

   Currently, the only thing that bothers me is how many people are rudely & illegally reading my notes as I write it. If I ran into at least 5 people who were reading my diary at the hospital, I think that’s a very good indication of how many readers I had.Therefore, they don’t need to go on the actual website to leave a view. It’s more like they can’t be stuffed or it’s out of spite. Also, they know that they were committing serious offences in regards to copyright infringements & cyberstalking, so they’re afraid to show their names. I honestly don’t care about that unless they start trouble with me or my readers.

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