I'm both the victim & personal investigator in a high-profile corruption case


(6/6/24, 5.04 am) Honestly, I’m still wondering how everyone is engaging in mass surveillancing me. I know you are guys (my readers), but I’m seriously just curious to know how it’s done. You guys gotta tell me how. I’m dying to know!

I attached the video here because the man who slaughtered this poor family was Chinese, while the rejected man was from another country. He was Salinese. Don’t quote me yet, but I think they’re like Balinese or something. I’ve noticed Asians can be either tanned or virtually pale skinned like porcelain. It just depends which country you’re from.


The reason why I bring this up is because of my recent encounter with scammers from a similar country. I think this YouTuber gathered inspiration from what I went through with one of them in particular & uploaded the above video. Although this guy I befriended didn’t resort to such an evil extent, he still seeked revenge by giving my details to his boss.

   It also became clear he’s been stalking & monitoring me for quite some time. This means there’s a high chance he’s working with the suspects. I guess it was a good thing that we stopped talking before something far worse happened. I’m aware of who the suspects associated with. Considering some are supposedly racist, I’m actually surprised they’d work together. I’ve seen it with my own 2 eyes, so they can’t deny it anymore. That day was unforgivable. I certainly hope he had nothing to do with it.

   It’s the first time I’ve heard scammers falling for an intended victim. But I’m no stranger to any of this. It happens to me alot – of course by normal people not scammers. By giving his boss my details, he closed all doors to forgiveness. That was betrayal, revenge over a perceived rejection. I didn’t say anything at all. He thought it. I saw that he was different to the other scammers but because he let paranoia get the better of him, he wrote messages that gave the game away. Now he’s being rather immature & showing messages like “Said I loved you but I lied”.

   How is it that he couldn’t see that there was no way it could lead to happily ever after? It was a relationship based on lies from the very beginning. He was living a lie & he was lying to me from day 1. I’ve always taught my readers that a successful relationship must be based on honesty, respect & trust, yet he broke all 3. If I did that to him, how would he feel? Would he have been as kind as me & let it go? Usually, I’d never give 2 seconds to even write about it for another person to understand because I know he’s reading it. Consider it an honour that I gave him an exception. Ask any man I’ve rejected apart from the suspects & they’ll tell him that he’s lucky to even get an explanation of any sort.

   How is it that he couldn’t see that there was no way it could lead to happily ever after? It was a relationship based on lies from the very beginning. He was living a lie & he was lying to me from day 1. I’ve always taught my readers that a successful relationship must be based on honesty, respect & trust, yet he broke all 3. If I did that to him, how would he feel? Would he have been as kind as me & let it go?

   Just remember, I didn’t do anything wrong to him. I was just sick & turned off my phone. He freaked out & left behind messages about being embarrassed etc. I felt bad for him & didn’t laugh. I was just concerned. If I thought it was funny, I wouldn’t respond when his boss took over. I’m well aware of the way men feel about me, so I avoid leading them on. I don’t need the extra drama. Of course I can’t control how they feel, even if I don’t give any indication that I like them. I’m just speaking in general, I’m not being specific about any incident.

   Actually no, I’m thinking of the one responsible for the dojo scandal. I’ve never given that bastard any indication whatsoever that I had feelings for him. I didn’t even know he existed until he sent those love messages shortly after the dojo scandal ended. I don’t understand why the police allows their staff unregulated, unmonitored, unofficial access to hacking equipment. As you can see, he’s been carrying on this fantasy for a very long time.

   I’ll never understand why SP or VP refused to do anything about it, but instead, covered for this maniac. This man just treats me like a possession, an object. He knows nothing about true love. He has an idea, but if that love was never reciprocated, so move on. I’m not even sure if he’s the one writing those love messages.

   But no matter his denials, here are the facts: he has kept me a virtual prisoner for 5-6 years. Depends if he was there from the beginning or these men passed my photos around & the rest is history.He was given plenty of opportunities to walk away, he refused, so he’s going to leave in handcuffs or even in a bodybag. He’ll probably kill himself once the feds kick down his door. Suicide is apparently his plan anyway, the bloody jerk. I’m usually a very patient & kind person. So if I’m saying this, you’ve gone too far.

   My readers thought I was bragging about men & my beauty. I was simply telling the truth. Now they can witness it for themselves. I certainly hope this guy isn’t one of my stalkers or suspects because I don’t want him to get caught in any crossfire that might come to the suspects if they’re not arrested & they refuse to leave me alone. I won’t be involved.

   Me personally? I want them all to live with what they’ve done. Death is too easy for people like this. Sometimes I wish we had the death penalty here for people like this because I can see he can’t be rehabilitated. I don’t want to think about how many other victims he’s done this to. Just by looking at him & the way he dresses, I can tell there’s something wrong with him, let alone the fact that I’ve seen him everywhere I go, including a block away from my home. Anyway, let’s talk about something else. I can’t stand that bastard.

   Anyway, I just wanted to thank the uploader Brief Case, for likely thinking of my situation when they uploaded the above. I’ve read up on this crime. It is incomprehensible, the evil I read about. Such senseless killings. I’ve got some other whacky murder stories to tell you all later too, including the karma one I said I’ll write about & it’s a true story. It ventures into the supernatural, so stay tuned.

   Like this case, my opinions are based on details I’ve noticed that no one picks up on. You won’t find such conclusions or opinions in Wikipedia or anywhere else on the internet (that I know of) about the case because they’re my own take on the case. I pick up on many things that most people overlook, you see. You can call it part of my genius, I don’t know what else to call it.

   Remember Denzel’s character in the Bone Collector? I’m on par with that guy. So in that aspect, it is original work & not scraped or copied. I reckon lots of people are super-smart though. Like my readers – the ones on the same page as me & we always agree on the same thing. I’ve been a little more active in YouTube comments, either agreeing or disagreeing with someone, especially if I find something they say that’s offensive or grossly incorrect.

   Sometimes I wonder if some people are smarter than me or the same. Man, I wouldn’t want to play chess with Denzel. He’ll kick my ass. Same with The Click lol. I deem my brother a genius too. We’re almost always on the same page, although we have different morals. That’s our biggest difference. Back then, people compared me to Al Pacino’s Michael Corleone & my brother was Fredo. You know what my brother said? He agreed!

   Just to summarise, George Silva was a farmhand at the property of a Wealthy Chinese man named Mr. Ching. His wife was Caucasian & he had a beautiful daughter aged 17 or 19. Even in a grainy black & white photo, she was gorgeous. It wasn’t hard to see why it led to revenge over rejections. I’m no stranger to how men react to rejections, so I deliberately never mislead men. I can’t do anything about a delusional man who imagines what I’d say to him, or thinks that I listen to certain songs for him. Anyway, I don’t want to go into that. It gives me the creeps. I hope that one’s gone now.

   Because Silva was penniless but was determined to work until he bought some of Mr. Ching’s land. His intention was to build a life with his new wife & raise a family. However, Mr. Ching felt he couldn’t provide his daughter with a good life & refused to let him marry his daughter. His daughter rejected his advances too. If I may say so, he wasn’t a great looking guy, he kinda looked scary (maybe it’s the photo quality, I don’t know) & he was around 10 yrs older too. He even looked much older than 28. I actually thought he was at least 10 years older, like 38 or 40! I even look younger than him! For teens, they prefer to date people their age, but I know it’s 100 years ago, the cultures & traditions were different.

   There are a few things I’ll discuss about this case. I’m going to discuss some racism & skin colour, so if it triggers you, please skip this & the next paragraph or so. I haven’t divided this paragraph yet, but I’m tired so I’ll return to finish the story & also provide more opinions & details. My apologies in advance that this subject about light versus dark skin will be confronting for many people. But if it’s any consolation to you, westerners are tanning their skin because it looks healthier or at least it makes you look slimmer etc. So that beauty standard in the west helps balance out the alarming views about light versus dark skin. I haven’t proofread yet, so some paragraphs might be in the wrong place because I’m such a motor-mouth & I just write & write about whatever pops up in my head if it’s relevant. I’ll be back to fix up the paragraphs. I just need a break from writing so much. It literally takes me hours to write. It takes you only a fraction of that time to read it. I’ve always wondered about it. Anyway, I’ll publish it for now so others can read it. And thankyou guys for saying kind things about me!

   For one, if this guy really was the culprit, he’s around 10 yrs older than the girl. Two, if I understand it back then, the Chinese preferred to marry within their own nationality. Three, don’t shoot the messenger, but I can tell he wanted his daughter to marry someone of light skin like her too. I know these days it might be different (not really in South Korea I heard), but I’m willing to bet that apart him being penniless, I think his darker skin wasn’t considered a good trait. Actually, isn’t that related to people in the lower class working outside? Since the family was wealthy, it doesn’t surprise me the girl had porcelain or light skin. So aside from racism, it’s actually a class thing too. I know of Asian families who are still quite racist. And look, it was over 100 yrs ago & even if he had light skin, he simply didn’t have the money to look after her. The articles tread softly about the racism, but I guess being Asian, I know these things. I wanted to provide some insight into the rejection that you won’t find elsewhere. It’s different these days. Parents are more relaxed about who you date, but we’re talking back in the late 1800s. Skin colour also gave away your social class too. If you go to India, even they value light skin over dark skin. It’s horrible to be treated so badly in your own country, where you technically shouldn’t have to worry about racism. Unfortunately that’s the just the way it is. It’s heartbreaking to see little black kids say that the black doll is evil & the good doll is white, when there’s no logic to it. None. It’s how people are brought up & how the media plays a huge role in it too. This belief goes way back centuries ago when white settlers came into India. They were wealthy & I guess that established what class you were in. The wealthy classes had white or light skin. Darker skin was seen as the poorer or working class. Again, it’s to do with the poor having to slave away in the sun, while the wealthy stayed out of it because they could afford to. So just seeing this stark contrast for centuries, this belief that light was good (because it equals wealth) & dark was bad (because it equals poor). Even in Western culture, we’ve come to believe that Heaven is white or bright, while Hell is dark. So now I realise that’s why children think dark is evil & white is good. How unfortunate. It would take years of education to deprogram children into not thinking it. It’s heartbreaking to hear dark-skinned people unable to get jobs in India because you’re so viciously judged for it. Skin whitening is a billion dollar business there because it’s so ingrained in their psyche that light skin is good & dark is bad. It’s rather disturbing that the rest of the world generally agrees with the same thing. However, people these days want tanned skin because it makes you look slimmer etc so perhaps there’s a bit of a balance nowadays. I know it’s a lot to take in, but people were alot more bigoted back then. Some people still are, like my stalkers so of course I know how it feels. I did say my blogs were going to touch on taboo subjects. This one, I’m wondering if I should delete it but this is them thinking it, not me. It’ll upset some people but I’m just the messenger, speaking the truth that’s all.

   These days, black people dating white people is so common, we don’t bat an eyelid anymore, as it should be. Plus there are women who don’t like Asian guys, so it’s really what your taste is I guess. It’s like saying “I don’t like eating Japanese food” for example. I can’t force someone to like Japanese food, if that’s not their taste. It just comes down to taste. Some of the people I most admired are black. In fact, I was compared to the great Muhammad Ali. I also love JFK. You can’t force someone to like you if that’s not their preference. I have a preference myself, a type of men I like too. This includes a type of personality I find attractive that must go with the physical. I know it’s hard to find the kind of man I want, but then the people I befriended were my type anyway except they’re probably all married or in a relationship. Even the men I’ve worked with are my type, but I also tread softly because of the corruption & how many people lie to my face & gaslight me about the corruption. Their morals were just shocking. I have no respect for people who lie like that & turn around & look down on people who dress or look differently, but are just like them. Or in sharp contrast, turn out to be better people.

   Anyway, the similarities of my recent incident & the above murder case are too obvious & many to say it’s a coincidence. Even my father’s a property owner too. The only difference is that it didn’t end up in mass murder & the ages don’t match. But there was revenge & spite that led to betrayal. The case doesn’t describe it as betrayal, but it is because Mr. Ching took Silva in to give him work & I think he even had a place to stay too(?). But over feeling rejected & not getting what he wanted, he slaughtered the whole family while Ching went to town. I can’t believe he didn’t even spare the babies. They were shot & he smashed their skulls against the wall. So the level of violence tells me that this was overkill & it was personal. There was a lot of rage towards this family. If Silva was indeed guilty as charged, then the story, right down to the motive, was quite consistent & logical in how things panned out. The other thing I noticed was that back in the day, people who owned large properties, they didn’t have next door neighbours that was close by. Silva was indeed one of the only people who had access to the property. The bodies were placed in one room where the murder seemingly took place. If the evidence was correct as written, there was a bible on top of their bodies. Silva was a pet member of a Christian church, so there were indeed reasons, including the circumstances, that fairly pointed to Silva as the killer. I wasn’t there, so I can only go by what was reported by the police.


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