I'm both the victim & personal investigator in a high-profile corruption case


(6/6/24, 5.40 am) I apologise for all the unedited freelance writing. I’m just quickly writing down memories that were & still are important to me, so please bear with me if the writing chops & changes & it seems confusing. Most are meant to be unpublished anyway, but I can tell lots of people apart from the scammers & the suspects are engaging in mass surveillancing. I hope no idea why or how they’re doing it, but I’ve picked up on plenty of incidents that gave the game away. I mean if I met at least 5 readers or more at that hospital I attended, then you can imagine the true number of readers I really have. What are the chances of an author running into at least 5 readers at the same place she attended? You definitely can’t say it’s coincidence. I got all these artwork on the wall I photographed, showing love & support from other people. Other readers from around the world have no idea the importance in what I was doing. It’s only starting to sink in how special & significant this moment in history really was. It upsets me to see idiots poke fun at what I was doing, but then again, it’s the suspects. That whole conversation thread contained lots of messages from them. I should’ve defended an SA victim from them because that idiot was basically bullying her just because her views reflected mine. That person’s motive was to publicly humiliate & bully them, to scare others into not agreeing with our views on criminals. My ex the coward witnessed this sort of behaviour right at the start when CP got involved. To avoid the bullying, the coward lied that he had quitted as soon my child was born. While they congratulated him, no one noticed that I was shaking my head at his lie. He had used drugs 2 weeks ago & manipulated things to cheat the UDSs. My ex is very shifty & calculative. But just because he was well-dressed, handsome & was Caucasian, those women quickly dismissed anything I said. They can answer later about why they were hellbent on giving a schizophrenic man custody, even when he confessed that he can’t look after her. If it weren’t for his parents, my little girl would be living in a forest in a tent, while her father screams at no one. I saw this coming for CP. I just didn’t know exactly what the consequences would be. The karma wasn’t just for my ex. It now embarasses everyone involved in this corruption scandal at CP. Putting aside jealousy, their spiteful, racist beliefs have ultimately backfired. I warned them back in 2018, but of course they scoffed it off.

   Anyway, I came here to write a memory about a band whose singer I befriended too. Of all the friends I made, there were 4 people my heart goes out to the most: George Lucas, Denzel Washington, the powerful church orator & this lead singer. It breaks my heart because he put so much faith in me too. Some people might scoff at it, but even famous singers/bands I befriended in the past had admitted to knowing what I wrote in my notes about them & they confirmed that the song was about me, or I inspired them. My personality & my circumstances seemed to be the muse for a number of fantastic songs of his. His voice was so unique & strong, I actually thought he was black! Please take that as a compliment, regarding your voice! He suffered from depression too, when he was a child. I honestly was looking forward to being friends with the lead singer for strongly believing in me.

   Since there are so many scammers who refuse to get lost though, I’ll refrain from revealing his identity for now because I feel he should get credit for his kindness too. I’ve never seen anything quite like what I saw 4 years ago & I can’t tell you how blessed & grateful I am, that I was given such an honour from all these amazing people. At least the song(s) became one/some of his greatest hits. I feel especially bad for him because he thought I lied to him when I was poisoned & had no choice but to stop/pause the investigation. Even Hollywood was disappointed. For a long time, I didn’t want to email them to thank them because I let them down. I think they wanted a future free of corruption from the main players too. There are reasons to believe that America was connected in some way to the case, but I won’t divulge here.

      It got to the point where I didn’t even need to guess who wrote it, or if it was just a coincidence. This is how I came to learn about each ally/friend & their personalities. The Americans adored me, they loved my strong personality & I do wanted to go there to be with them. Meanwhile in Australia, the hostility & jealousy got the better of even people working in law enforcement. You see, if your department pampers you too much & doesn’t allow their staff to take responsibility for their actions, this is the embarrassing consequence. Right now, the public is tearing their hair out because they’re still looking to blame everyone but themselves & it’s incredibly annoying to watch. I was correct about that one too, even though I must come to conclusions from afar. I dislike doing it because that’s how mistrust comes about. A strong team needs to communicate & every member knows exactly what their role is. In the end, I was doing the work of 10 people, while they were calling me lazy & that this job isn’t right for me. I think I know who sent the “You’re not all that” message. I’m starting to think we’ve encountered each other in a more personal way & because I didn’t know who he was, I treated him as another stalker. It’s the only thing I can think of where this hostility comes from. This bullying & belittling me.

   I know my American friends were disappointed & I sincerely apologize, but there was nothing I could do, given the hostile environment I was in. Even if I turned back time, I doubt anything would change because if someone is jealous of you & they want to destroy you, they’ll do it any way they can & this is the result. I hope their departments can see why I can’t drop the lawsuits. The damage is too much.   

   People were deliberately not helping me because the jealous ones, especially the women. I’ll never forget the kind of things they said, marveling as they watched everything go downhill, I was poisoned & being told off by a director from New York. Beats me what he was doing here. Throughout the entire investigation, all I heard from these women was, “It’s not fair that one person has it all! It’s not fair!” I honestly didn’t know what they were wailing about. I still don’t & I honestly don’t care. The only reason why I need to know, is for court. For now, I can only think of 2 reasons.

   The first one is my beauty & being in the 2.5%. Lots of people described me as being charming, well-mannered & charismatic. I had a lot of compassion & empathy for others, but of course the suspects try my patience to the point where I don’t care if they die, or go to prison for life. I also heard that I was “just as beautiful inside as I was on the outside”. Other rumours were that I was the whole package & that I looked like an actual princess. Someone did a list of beautiful women who look like princesses & I did wonder if it had any association with me at the time. This was at the height of my popularity & men vying for my hand in marriage, including wealthy, powerful men. I’m very humbled by it all. I’ve never received such an honour & I’ve never heard receive the kind of honours I was gifted with. An entire album dedicated to me from my favourite composer? I mean this is like fantasy stuff! It was insane! These are not brags, I’m simply stating what I remember. It really was like a dream come true.

   Or I think it might’ve been the time Hollywood was considering me for an acting part in a movie, I’m not sure. This was before I knew what their plans were. I was just continuing to acquire evidence, counter- surveillancing & helping the decent agents put away the gang members in prison etc. I’ll never understand where this hostility comes from, except jealousy, racism & sexual harassment seem to be the top motives.

   Jealousy was alot more prominent than racism. I was appalled when I found out that one of the investigators mocked my native language. He used the keyboard to do so. I reported it to Google, thinking it was their staff doing it. There was also an artist who used what appears to be sloths called an “ai” to do his themes. I’ll wait to see what he has to say about it. These incidents were petty (but still unacceptable), compared to the more serious misconduct, for which they can face charges, considering the severe consequences of their inactions.

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