I'm both the victim & personal investigator in a high-profile corruption case



I bet everyone wants to know something about this. My apologies I wrote so much before telling you about this much-anticipated story. It’s in the 2nd half of this entry. If you want to zoom there, it’s after the 2nd group of screenshots & skip the first 2 paragraphs there. The first half is more about the scandal & the supervisor & probably his team who thought I was giving them a 2nd chance to work with me. The way they responded with the rejection by sending me a dog picture, I was just glad that I made the right decision. There’s no way I can trust him or them.

   Supporters were indeed warning me about it, so they can rest assured that I won’t allow that to happen. When someone has betrayed you & has shown zero remorse for his behaviour, there’s no way I can give a 2nd chance to someone like that. If the ones who expressed concern are from law enforcement, I was actually talking to them about taking on the job. But I better deal with it because I think that team will intervene again. In fact, I think the ones giving me advice might be them trying to get on my good side, so I’d allow them back in. Not a chance. If you failed me for 4 years, there are no 2nd chances.

   I can’t believe how manipulative they are to turn around & call me evil, for reporting them. It was well-deserved. After what I saw during the investigation, the lies, the betrayals, the vicious tones, over criticisms, mockeries, jealousy & then to act like they don’t know what I’m talking about. They’ve only cooled it with the gas lighting because I knew what gas lighting was.

   I’m hoping to death it’s reached the right people because something tells me that email to IBAC may or may not have been intercepted by them or their accomplices. I’m so fed up with their constant interventions. Later on, they’ll claim that they didn’t know it was a crime. No wonder there were crimes everyday & nothing was done about it. They were likely the ones organising it. I knew I smelt a rat, that there were so many things not adding up.

   I’m especially interested in the person who analysed the situation as abusive & was able to identify all the different types of abuse the suspects & this man (apparently the supervisor) had done to me. Their observations were very accurate & in line with what I’ve analysed too. I’d definitely want them working with me. Because of the suspects, I can’t be specific about where I saw those observations. When I read them, I just knew it was based on my situation in particular. I don’t know if they’re psychologists or cops who have studied behavioural sciences, but they seem to know enough to make correct observations. 2 brains are always going to be better than one.

   I first recognised the bullying as abusive in 2018 & have posted it several times in my diary to educate others about abuse. Generally, it applies for domestic violence but it clearly applies to abusive situations like this too. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was cruel & the way they poisoned their victims to prevent them from coming forward was a new level of evil.

   I tried to show the “wheel of abuse & control” to a corrupt judge in November 2018, who immediately dismissed it because he knew it was indeed abuse & if I had pointed out all their behaviours on camera, he’d be forced to agree with me. So he shot me down before I could say anything. He said he wasn’t interested in hearing it. Unfortunately for him, that kind of bias is called judicial misconduct. I’m unclear if you can lose your licence as a judge, but he’d be pushing it.

   IBAC was rightfully suspicious of him. Of course I had to report him because he was showing extreme bias towards CP. They sat up where he was, watching him & he yelled out to CP, “Hey guys, they’re recording us!” Talk about giving the game away. If I wasn’t crying, I’d be laughing at what he said because he basically admitted to colluding with CP!

   I certainly hope that man (if indeed the supervisor) didn’t jump in & say, “She’s talking to me. I’m taking over” then sook & call me a dog because I never meant him. No wonder the bastard gloated about how “Crime pays”. He really thought he conned me. Since I can’t see who I’m talking to & the suspects seem desperate to grab opportunities not meant for them, I guess I’ll have to do it the old school way.

   Thank-you so much for your support & for looking out for me. I was giving the job to the ones who made accurate observations about the suspects’ behaviours. I don’t know how or why they thought I was giving them a 2nd chance. Not if they’re the same ones talking to my brother. According to a comment I saw, they seem to think that I should be alot more gentle & polite when confronting them about the truth! Holy shit. It so reminds me of the time the bullies said to me, “Be nice to me when I bully you”. It sounds like it came from a comedy!🤣😝

   Through all that haze from the poison, I can only talk about what I do remember about my encounter with a mafia leader & what I’m comfortable telling you as well. I recall saying & thinking stupid things that I don’t want to talk about because it’s deeply personal. Plus I don’t even remember what I said anyway. It was like I was drifting through some kind of strange living dream.

   The most shocking part of the investigation was that no one did a darn thing about the poisonings. And now it’s becoming clear something is wrong with my joints. Those red hands my brother noticed was leading into this. The suspects & the team who betrayed me better pray that it’s not permanent because the compensation will be even higher & so will your sentences. Some of you are still talking like you’ll be able to go home after you’ve been arrested.

   I know what arguments CP is planning & it’s lame. Are you hoping to explain this too with mental illness? Or what you did to my body with what you added to the poisons?The more the suspects open their mouths, the more I realised it was deliberate. It’s hard to forgive those who should’ve done something but didn’t & even tried to gaslight me at first, then victim-blamed me for everything that went wrong, thanks to themselves.

I saw this short as soon as I logged into YouTube. It’s my favourite movie channel with a moral behind it. They seem to always respond to whatever I wrote in my entry the day before & it’s always supportive, so now I’m introducing them to my readers as an honourable mention. The movie is a Bronx Tale. I must admit the title sounded like a cowboy movie lol! Nope it’s a gangster movie. I’ve only seen bits of it, but I love it. I’ll have to buy it soon.

   This channel Cinema Home is apparently very supportive of me & it’s become my favourite channel for video shorts with a moral behind it. They seem to always respond positively to some incident I wrote about the day before & we seem to be on the same page. Even the commenters are often making references to me & supporting me too because of the incident is similar or relevant.

   I’m honestly not sure what to make of this short though because it can interpreted in many ways. What prompted them to show this short? It makes all the difference to me I guess I’m curious because they’re one of my most supportive channels. As I said though, they’re generally my cheerleaders, so I’ve subscribed to them & mentioned them here as an honourable mention & people can notice & subscribe to their channel too. I certainly hope my enemies aren’t trying to threaten or bribe me again.

   The movie about A Bronx Tale. There’s no denying that Chazz Palminteri is perfect for this role as a mafia leader. He’s got the right look about him, just like Robert De Niro & Al Pacino. Is Chazz the same guy in the Chips uniform right? So he went from this heartthrob to a mafia dude as time went by? How interesting 🤔. I couldn’t understand how Robert De Niro managed to managed to maintain a youthful appearance for decades. I’ve always thought all 3 men were very handsome.

   Of course they’re all getting older now & might even be retired. Honestly, I was very angry to hear how Robert’s wife liquidated his hard-earned money with designer clothes! If that was me, he’d probably be begging me to at least buy one lol! As long as something looks good on me, I don’t care about it being expensive or some designer brand. I’m very different to other women.

   That’s what my wealthy ex loved about me. I clearly was interested in love, not being a gold digger. I miss him. Our chemistry was undeniable. We were like best soul mates. We had mutual respect for each other, very supportive & we cherished every minute together. He’s definitely my favourite ex & it wouldn’t surprise me if I end up being with him again & maybe even marriage, provided he has nothing to do with this scandal.

   Anyway, what was that cop in the movie thinking? I thought he was a gangster lol! You force a kid to identify the killer within inches from them seeing exactly what you look like & probably even saw the kid’s father too. If this was how the cops handled it, I’m not at all surprised the kid said no. By the way, I noticed in other comments people urging me not to trust the same team of investigators who hurt me.

   Of course if the supervisor has been confirmed to be the culprit who got junkies to bark orders & make accusations on his behalf, no way. The fact that he ignored all my requests, EVEN AFTER HE WAS FACED WITH THE FACTS, means I can’t rely on him. He’s been victim-blaming me & looking for all sorts of excuses to deny me for protection. His lack of remorse & the way he responds when he doesn’t get his way tells me everything I need to know about him. Good riddance.

   It depends on who wrote that on the website because if it’s him, I can’t blame the department. But if the department is doing it, then they’re being dishonest & I want to do with dishonest people. Since I haven’t confirmed who did what yet, I ask supporters to rest assured that there’s no way I’d give a 2nd chance to people who ignored me for 4 years, denied me assistance even in person.

If that dishonest man really sent me this picture after realising I’m not giving them a 2nd chance, then I AM SO GLAD I’M NOT TRUSTING YOU! This is typical 2-faced behaviour & you were hoping to use me to get back into IBAC. You blew it by calling me a dog once more. You’re unable to control that rage inside you & you clearly have zero interest in upholding the law. I definitely wasn’t telling you to start again with me. It was for another group of agents.

   Holy cow, the immature bastards just sent me the above: a dog picture again. There’s no remorse whatsoever. No way are we working together when you disrespect me like that. Burn in hell for your crimes then, if that’s how you want it. Just don’t make me curse you out loud. Holy shit, as soon as they realise they won’t get a 2nd chance, they call me a dog. It’s so 2-faced!

   Not just that, as a little FU, he programmed it so that each time I wrote the word “assistance” or “customer service”, I’d see the dog show up again. What an immature piece of work!That’s not how a responsible, professional team reacts to rejections. Oh my god, you were hoping to weasle your way into IBAC to continue the corruption ring! I just can’t imagine this department being that disrespectful & dishonest towards me when I used to speak so highly of them. It’s a shame they hired this mole of a person. 😉

   I gotta admit, after seeing so much corruption & abuse of power, the mafia that I encountered at least gave me more respect than the police did & even honoured my wishes. I once wrote that the suspects had no manners, but even enemies can have some level of respect towards each other, which I managed to demonstrate later. Till this day, I don’t know whether to call us frenemies, or straight up “friends”. I’m opting to describe it as a “friendship”.

   The friendship of course started off with extreme violence. How the mafia leader & I came to be friends of sorts was because he originally planned to kidnap me. He was wooing me into some kind of relationship, telling me proudly that this is how he met his wife & everywhere I went, there seemed to be love songs on, even at the bank. It’s all very strange & I’m surprised I even remember any of it.

   I even came across a tv screen in Big W, where someone mimicked exactly what I wrote in my diary about a man putting his hands to my cheeks to express his feelings for me. How on earth did he control the tv to do that? I do know where this came from, but I have no wish to discuss it because it was deeply personal. Maybe one day I will.

I honestly don’t know what to make of it all, but I’m just writing down bits & pieces of memories. Please don’t worry if you don’t understand some parts because I barely can make sense of it myself.

   Of course if I had my wits about me, it likely never would’ve happened. But I wonder if the friendship would’ve happened. In fact, it’d probably escalate into something bad because his ruse wasn’t working & we’d probably be at each other’s throats. Who knows. Seriously though, I understand the underworld somewhat better than a corrupted law enforcement.

  At least they tend to have codes of ethics of sorts. The ones in the government have never had a hard day in their lives. Wait till you read more about their pathetic self-entitled behaviour. All that sooking man. By this stage, I was heavily poisoned, I was literally a walking zombie with very few words to say. I barely could communicate coherently with people.

   I think the poisonings might’ve been taken advantage of for this ruse to work. In fact, the symptoms I felt during this time were markedly different to the usual times I was poisoned. I felt like I was drifting in & out of a floating dream. My mind was heavily numbed by the poison & I was walking around like a zombie staring into space alot. I don’t know how many others have been through this, but when it came to me, there was an unexpected twist.

  This is going to sound really strange, but the poison seemed to contain some kind of Aphrodisiac or something that made me alot more susceptible to all that wooing. I can barely make heads or tails of the affair, but before you know it, I was saying odd things like “we are in love & people should stop tearing us apart”. Jesus, 😞🫣🫣🫣🫣🥴 I look back & I think “How on Earth did I end up thinking or saying these things?” It was the strangest time of my life. Some MK keeps removing the picture of the emoji with my hands in my face. I add it, they remove it. It’s happened 3 times. Like I can’t bring it up in court again? Someone wants to make it seem less bad I guess.

   Now that I think about it, how on Earth did the team not see something was very wrong with the situation? You know, they or at least someone investigating the situation, sent mocking videos saying, “They were trying to kidnap her & she liked it!” This is definitely someone who knew what was going on, had intimate knowledge that even I didn’t have & instead of helping, they just sat there laughing.

   Meanwhile, my former PM watched in horror, totally embarassed for favouring me, not knowing that I had been poisoned the whole time. I had no control over what I said or did. I recall distinctly that it was like I was 2 people in one. The normal me was telling the poisoned me “Stop, don’t say/do it! What are you saying/doing?”

   Ah, why bother wanting answers from evil people? I just want them to face charges & let the law decide what to do with them. Frankly, they should go to prison. They’re part of the corruption ring, so they take joy in destroying lives. I think there’s even more to it, which might explain why those cameras are still in my room. Those people at Harvester, Mercy, CP & SP, better be able to explain their behaviour because I can already predict why they’re doing all this, other than to get off on destroying lives as retaliation for reporting them. Meanwhile, I can’t believe that the supervisor or his department had quite the gall to alter the website. It was obvious as day that I needed protection & to hear them say it’s public when I never published anything, especially at the time, is a bunch of hogwash. It all depends on who did it because there’s no way I can trust whoever wrote that stuff about not giving me protection. That is horrendous. I can tell it came from the same immature group of people I had been dealing with for years. To confirm that they were the investigators, the walls came crashing down for me. Yet all they can sook about, is that I’m evil? They destroyed my life, my reputation & they did this in front of the man I loved. The poor thing was infuriated & was nearly having a heart attack because I was saying I loved a mafia boss or whatever. He was yelling at me to, “CALL IT OFF” as in to tell me to stop the relationship with this mysterious man. Oh god, I cringe just thinking about the pain & suffering & jealousy the poor guy having to endure so much because of me! I don’t blame him for being so mad at me. If only he knew the truth. Apparently, he later even contemplating suicide, claiming that his wife or the woman he loves is cheating on him. My love, I’m so sorry you had to see me like that.

   Others were warning me he was a murderer. It was messy. And all the while, I had a bunch of evil people laughing at my expense & I couldn’t do anything about it. The people who spoke to my brother is also the people I want facing charges. And it does seem to come from the team I worked with, the sabotagers of the investigation. Along with them was a remorseless, vengeful racist man who probably even helped that gang to do this to me. But you’ll never get the truth from them. They’re just finding it all amusing. How on earth did they miss out on all this & not intervene? They had to have been involved. No one could be that daft. The team is acting all innocent, but they’re the ones who allowed all those hidden cameras in my home & all those people in the government watching the spectacle. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You think I didn’t know? What’s in it for you? My guess is that these greedy fucks are doing it for money. No one does it for nothing. Supply & demand. You provided the demand, they provided the supply. So don’t wave your finger at me about dealing drugs when you destroy lives against their will. I don’t think I’m better but I’ve repented & the one thing I know for sure, is that I’ve never done anything against anyone’s will. Like a tobacconist, are you going to hold him fully responsible for everyone who gets cancer? Everyone wants a scapegoat, but it’s about time everyone takes responsibility for their own actions. I’ve already paid for mine, so if you don’t have an excuse to harm me, fuck off. Stop holding me responsible for everything. They’re so damn over pampered, they’re telling me to drill them nicely & gently about the truth. Holy Christ! This is what’s happened because of your departments treating you like a baby & they’re changing your diapers for you when you do something bad to someone. Look at these grown babies, sooking & telling people to accuse them nicely for destroying their lives. Get the fuck out of my face. Who the fuck cares about you? Save your tears for prison. I think you’ve been doing this for so long, that you think it’s acceptable or normal, just because all of you are joining in on this mass voyeurism. Don’t you dare tell me it’s surveillance when you place hidden cameras in my bedroom to watch me undress. You really are sick in the head. Is this what our government has become? Voyeurs? And if my readers want some perverted stories, I’ve got them too. It was meant to be for my book. The revelations are so shocking, that it was bound to be an overnight seller. Looks like someone wants to stop me from letting everyone know about their dirty laundry. That’s not my problem anymore. You profited off my misery for years. Now it’s your turn. And shut up about this dog crap. You are the dogs. That’s why it’s on your minds 24-7. Mental illnesses & dogs. Those are so damn applicable to you.

   I swear to god, those laughing idiots, I swear you’ll get to see what Hell looks like & “there won’t be any doors or exits where you’ll be. You won’t be counting the days or months, but millenniums”. It’s one of my favourite lines I use on my enemies from Meet Joe Black. I do believe in Hell & it’s just like what I’m describing. A dark place where your victims’ tortured souls will tear you apart, piece by piece. You’ll feel every inch of the pain & suffering, just as you caused for your victims. Once all the flesh has been torn off you, your meat returns for the ordeal to repeat over & over. You’ll never get a moment’s rest. You can’t die, you can’t escape. That’s why I’d rather not kill you. I don’t want to end up where you’ll be. I know I’m going back to Heaven. So laugh all you want. When the time comes, you’ll be wishing for that 2nd chance, that opportunity to walk away again, but it’s gone. Pray that one of my powerful friends do not put you in Hell before your time. Someone who knows they’re already going there. Tortured, disabled, everything you love taken from you, just like you’ve done to me… An eye for an eye. Or pray that you’ll be safer in prison.

   From what I understand about this strange affair, this mafia leader reciprocated to what I was saying. The thing was, I think those feelings may have been there years ago. Based on the over possessiveness of the gang members I saw in person, starting from 2 years ago, I sensed that they wanted me reserved for someone in a position of power. It wasn’t your typical kidnapping & turning me into a slave or something. Someone from law enforcement claimed he wasn’t the leader but someone below him & was still high-rank. It clashes with what I’ve seen though, but whatever the case, he was in a position of power to some degree. What makes it even more interesting though, was that he was a white supremacist if I’m correct!

   He’s also the same leader who was impressed with the way I thought things out & mentally planned what I must do next. And I managed to survive & pass all his tests. I’m quite sure my strong personality had something to do with it too. I’m doing my best to piece together bits of memories from the past. It’s not supposed to be the biblical truth, rather just a story I’m reiterating from memory, but may not be fully accurate.

   He even considered having me as his right-hand & heiress to his empire (or at the least, some notable position), which perfectly explains why his current right-hand was poisoning me to cheat & defend his rights to be next, claiming he was Prince Hector & me being Achilles, someone with impressive skills but fights for no flag. I remember blasting at him about calling me a disloyal person, as though I couldn’t be trusted, just because I said I was in it (the investigation) for the glory. Plus the honourable Prince Hector (one of the characters I admired most in Troy) was not a cheater & he was a noble person. I apologised to Eric Bana, after he expressed some shade towards Achilles because he felt I was attacking & ruining his beloved character. I felt very bad about it because it did get heated & got out of hand. After seeing Eric taking offence to the situation, I immediately stopped this nonsense & refused to bring it up again. I feel bad bringing it up now. If I wasn’t poisoned, I wouldn’t have even entertained the idea of battling with him as Achilles. Let’s just say it wasn’t my one of my proudest moments, so that’s all I’ll say about it. I honestly didn’t want to bring it up because it makes me cringe each time. But it’ll help you understand the animosity between me & the leader’s right-hand man. I originally thought he was from the government, maybe even the supervisor. But then I remember him saying something about not blowing my chances to be a member of this group, even though I didn’t apply for any membership. Despite being poisoned, I did compute that the boss or leader was considering me for a job. However, the person who kept barking at me was very hostile to me & he saw me as a major threat. Obviously, he didn’t really want me to join. It’s the same everywhere, isn’t it? If you’re better than them, they immediately see you as a threat & an enemy. I recall Tom Cruise was especially mean to me & made this highly offensive clip mocking me, as well as the fact that my cheeks & jaw looked strange, only to find out later that I needed to fix my teeth, that I wasn’t just letting people beat the shit out of me & doing nothing about it because in truth, I was denied assistance everywhere. He said even more offensive stuff, which I wasn’t happy about & eventually, I told him I was losing respect for him when he was my idol when I was younger. I wanted to be just like him. When I explained the truth behind all the offensive assumptions made, he felt really bad about it. Eventually, it even got to the point where he learnt about my impressive skills etc & that we were literally on par with each other about lots of things. Sure, he excels in different fields. I can’t fly helicopters (yet), but I’ll kick everyone’s asses when it comes to my fields that I excel in. If I could, I’d beat my opponents in court in 60 or 90 seconds, but I know there’s no way in hell the courts would allow such a victory. I haven’t checked yet, but I heard that Bruce Lee’s movie showed him beating his opponent in 60 seconds but in real life, it was 90 seconds. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I could check yeah, but that’s why I wanted my readers to get involved in the discussion. Seriously, the 60 or 90 seconds is just a nod to Bruce Lee, one of my idols & greatest influences. I guess after I’m gone, I’ll have my own army of fans who will claim that I’m their greatest influence too. That’d be my dream. Considering my larger than life personality, if a movie was ever made about me & this scandal, I wonder who’d play me? That’s some pretty big shoes to fill. Who’d play all my big-shot friends from Hollywood? Cops who help me arrest these people will also be immortalized in this movie too. That was what I had intended for the team before jealousy, betrayal & revenge took over & destroyed something that was supposed to be great.

   After becoming frenemies with the leader, he called his men off. I was poisoned & saying all sorts of nonsense that infuriated him at the start. But once he knew I had been poisoned, I think he knew there was no point getting angry. In between moments, I do remember offering my friendship to him for when he decides to leave a life of crime behind. The offer will remain open because I like men who respect their frenemies or even friends & honour their wishes. Through messages, he later told me that he blasted it at the gang members who annoyed & harassed me. He also blasted it at them for getting in between the man I loved & me, especially when I’m sick & need his support. He used a very appropriate app for his messages lol. Take a guess at the apps I’ve used in the past & see which one he used! I saw comments that reflected exactly what was said back then. That’s why I don’t know what to make of it. During the investigation, I was screenshooting messages that I sensed came from the suspects. Because there was hardly any communication between us, an investigator was dismissing what I was doing & said he wanted “concrete evidence” which was what I was doing anyway. But yes, I did wonder if I was overthinking or overreacting. I definitely had concrete supporting evidence & crucial ones too, but you know me, I want more evidence. Instead of listening to him & stopping, I followed my heart & it seems I was correct to believe it was indeed written by the suspects or even gang members. The things the investigators dismissed turned out to be the top evidence against the suspects. Things got so messy because I was poisoned & now he’s mad at me because he thinks I was deliberately humiliating him in front of everyone. I want him to at least know the truth. I’m not ready for a relationship anyway. I just want him to know all these things, so he doesn’t continue thinking the worst of me. One of the most heartbreaking messages he sent me was, “If only you had stayed faithful, I would’ve done anything for you”. I wish he had used his intellect more to realise something wasn’t adding up. If I say I’m poisoned & I’m attacking even my Hollywood friends, then maybe just maybe, those negative results are false. I didn’t complain just once about the poisonings. I’ve lost count, but I can definitely count how many because it’ll be required of me – if I’m forced to battle it in court, meaning people are messing around about out-of-court settlements etc.  But I do want to say something down below to the crooked people, who I’m more interested in. It was them who ripped everything I held dear from my heart & I’ll never forgive them for it. The mafia leader, if I recall correctly that he’s the same man, he could relate to my past & because we have this unspoken understanding for each other, I guess it eventually led to friendship or frenemies, whichever one he considers it. I have no interest in tracking him down, especially because he honoured my wishes & called his men off. I’m only interested in the crooked cops & employees who were directly responsible for everything. You can’t tell me to mind my own business if some POS cop or some idiot on their behalf refuses to get lost, even after being given plenty of opportunities to leave. I guess they couldn’t hire more gang members because they’re running out of money & I’ve managed to make friends with a mafia leader. They’ve spent 7 years watching my every move, which is very expensive to run. All because that man refused to fix up the situation at the start. I was in the right, so I wasn’t asking for anything that was unethical or illegal. No one can blame me for reporting those crooked cops. No one likes them, including the gang members they associate with.

   Generally, I don’t care what people do with their own lives. But if you’re preventing me from continuing with my life happily because you can’t shut up for once, then don’t expect me to just let it go & walk away. I can’t walk away from my life anyway, they have to. And it’s not because of some idiot kid. He doesn’t have access to equipment that allows him to make ads on the spot to send to me. They’re always a response to something I said that bothered them. Yeah that’s right, a kid with all the knowledge & skills for minds of 100 suspects in different fields & has the nerve to order me around & talk like he knows me well. Try telling that to the jury & the judge. You’re supposed to be saying that to the suspects not me the victim. There were countless red flags I saw during the investigation & I don’t quite know how someone who’s on my phone alot missed all those red flags & all those inappropriate messages. Unless of course, you’re either the one doing it, or you’re turning a blind eye to it. I had health staff expressing concern for the suspects who were poisoning me instead of me the victim. I’ve never seen anything as messed up as what I saw. I don’t know what logic these government employees are going by, but you just know if someone can be trusted or not. And I can tell if someone was threatened or if they did it voluntarily either to get ahead, or for financial gain. I was horrified that my previous pharmacist who I thought I could trust in his hands had claimed that he’s not in danger, so I don’t need to call the authorities. He avoided eye contact with me, stopped saying hello back to me & I just knew he was up to no good. His whole behaviour changed & I managed to confirm why when I saw him talking to that bastard a crooked cop as though they were mates, whilst a tall blonde undercover, aged mid to late 20s (maybe even early 30s) was outside waiting for him. I saw him at the gang member’s house in my neighbourhood. Therefore, he confirmed the police’s association with the gang members who were stalking me. Don’t even think about telling me to mind my own business when it clearly is my business. They should’ve stayed out of mine. But as soon as I wrote something negative about crooked cops, these narcissists responded with death threats. That’s how fragile their ego is. Over a perceived offence that often wasn’t even about them, they overreact with violence. Mind you, I’m going about my business. They’re not. They’re interfering with mine & they’re thinking everything is about them. That’s how egocentric they are. The world revolves around them. Classic narcissistic psychopaths. I’m trying to get out of the mess they caused to me & over what? Something as petty as jealousy, rejection, or revenge over misjudgments from afar. They never learn either. The people who need to mind their own business is them. If they had, they wouldn’t be worried about getting arrested. There are cops who’d do anything to avoid a court lawsuit & a media circus or a committee about very concerning misconduct & corruption. So they’ll gladly arrest these bad cops. Plus we can’t allow them to continue searching for an appropriate victim to destroy their lives. The more someone has to lose like me, the more fun for them to destroy. Why on earth would you want cops or government employees who do that anyway? They’re turning our system into a joke. Everyone’s fuming about it so good luck with that smug attitude. I don’t believe for one second that it’s just a mentally ill teen, even though it’s clear someone put them onto me to do their dirty work. Yeah, they know how to hack, intercept complaints, send me messages calling me a dog because they refuse to eff off & has the power & influence to tell people not to help me everywhere I go.

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